I have a friend who is always sending me political stuff over the Internet.
He usually adds a comment -- something like "You'll agree with this" or "This guy has a point" -- and then I read it to find something equivalent to Hitler's Final Solution but without the ovens.
My friend -- let's call him "Mitch" so as not to embarrass him -- has always been in something of a weird place politically. On some issues, he's to the right of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, while on others he's to the left of Karl Marx. For the longest time, he called himself a libertarian, but he wasn't one really because he couldn't do the laissez faire on the behavior issues.
I think I shamed him out of that anyway. I despise the libertarian philosophy, mostly because I think two different four-word slogans -- choose the one you like best -- sum it up perfectly.
"I've got mine, Jack."
"Every man for himself."
Most of the political stuff circulating on the Internet is crap anyway. It's either lies or material recycled for decades. "Mitch" sent me one about the sins of Ted Kennedy, saying "I know you're no fan of his."
The stuff in that e-mail was almost all stuff from 40 or 50 years ago -- he cheated on an exam in college, he drove off a bridge at Chappaquiddick, etc. But the man is nearly 77 years old now and he's dying of a brain tumor. I think the Christian thing to do is lay off the Chappaquiddick stuff.
My friend may not realize is, but when he passes stuff like that along -- or the thing he sent me today basically saying only Republicans pay taxes -- all he's doing is contributing to the poisonous atmosphere in this country. If we ever do split into the United States of Canada and Jesusland, it'll be because of stuff like this.
I'm just tired of it. I told my friend he shouldn't do it anymore, and his response to me was basically, "Tough shit."
I get back at him, though.
I send him JPEGs of Britney Spears' genitals.
An update -- and an apology -- on delays
13 years ago
I think your too "tough" on your friend Mitch. From your description of him, he doesn't sound like he fits any political group. maybe your the one who has the problem, did you ever think of that. Anyway, I like most of your stuff but you can come off with a real snotty attitude -- even if your on the correct side when it came to Bush and his buddies.
Mary Jo Kopechne had no comment.
I hate it when people send me all sorts of stuff they think is cute or funny or worse, yet, noteworthy. I just hit the delete key. I don't need anyone's help in finding things to read. Frankly, I don't want to read all that garbage. I know what I know and that's enough. I listen to the music I want. I listen to the talk shows I like. I don't need anyone "informing" me or sharing with me. I get it, Mike. As for Mary Jo Kopechne, well, I guess Ted Kennedy got away with that one. Why can't we just leave it alone. All the talk in the world is never going to bring her back.
Some people are just stuck in a rut.
Yes, the previous blogger has every right to thrust hius head in the sand and ignore all efforts to grow and share. That doesn't sound practical or smart. It actually is pretty selfish and dumb. If all you ever listen to is Rush Limbaugh, then you have more problems than you'll ever know. Part of being a grown-up is to stretch and look beyond the four walls of where your mind naturally goes. Why bother getting an education? Why bother ever going to a party or meeting new people? Why don't you sit home and watch reruns all day or go to concerts where bands play the same old songs over and over. I, for you, laud Mike's friend. And as for Mary Jo Kopechne, well, isn't it lovely that you wish it would all go away. Look, pal, I'm a Democrat. Been one for a long time. Voted for Johnson in 165, my first presidential election. I've probably seen that Teddy Kennedy email -- and frankly, I wish we'd make more out of that girl's death. I read an article last year from a guy who went investigating the paperwork on her death and found one single piece of paper in her official" file. Kennedy supports got to the investigators. They stopped the investigation. They probably obstructed justice. They might have let a murderer get away. Everyone knows this and yet no one has ever done anything. And as a result, Kennedy has screwed up things for Democrats over and over again. Next to Carter, he's the worst thing that's happened to our party since World War II -- and that includes Truman, Adam Clayton Powell, and Hilary. I'd rather endure a hundred unwarranted emails if it meant stopping the lionization of Teddy Kennedy. I'm sorry that he's dying, but we all have to go. But not everyone gets away with murder. I think ol' Teddy did.
Great blog on your father today, Mike. But I've wanted to comment on this one for several days. Mitch may be an idiot or he may be a genius, but you're just whining.
Stop it, brother.
You've got to grow up sometime.
You sent hima photo of Britany Spears' poontang?
Shame on you.
It's bad enough she shares that ting with te world. You have to help her?
Man, you need to step outside yourself for a minute. You can be pretty crude and cruel.
So what if you get emails you don't like. You can act that Mr. Anonymous above and complain about it and delete them. Or you can read them as see if there's anything that might help you.
Seems to me you can just as closed minded as your idiotic reader above who wants to be left alone.
be a little gracious and humble.
Today's blog was filled with compassion, love, and humility.
It is a classic.
This one was filled with venom. What did this Mitch do? Run over your dog?
Back off, man. Be a as good as you are today.
You sure have attitude, dude.
I agree with the above blogger, you overreacted, dude.
Way overreacted.
I wasn't alive when Teddy K. drove the car off the road and that girl died, but from everything I've read, there had to be a conspiracy of jinormous size to keep it quiet and keep him in office.
How can that be avoided now as he's dying slowly with brain cancer.
It almost makes me wonder if there's really such thing as karma.
But you went way around the bend.
Chill. And if you can't do it alone, buy a chill pill.
Dude, you're going to get busted if you keep sending porn over the Internet. Especially kiddie porn.
Mike, you wrote:
"The stuff in that e-mail was almost all stuff from 40 or 50 years ago -- he cheated on an exam in college, he drove off a bridge at Chappaquiddick, etc. But the man is nearly 77 years old now and he's dying of a brain tumor. I think the Christian thing to do is lay off the Chappaquiddick stuff."
I take issue with either your logic or your intellect.
Just because time passes doesn't mean the event didn't take place nor does it mean that the effects of that events don't still resonate today.
Chappaquiddick was a terrible event that never had a proper ending. Instead, the "truth" was obscured or at least tampered with so that the impression remains that Ted Kennedy was responsible for that young girl's death.
Murder and manslaughter have no statute of limitations.
Nor does true justice.
You would have us believe that the proper "Christian" thing to do is to "lay off the Chappaquiddick stuff."\\Balony.
Christianity and its practices have nothing to do with this.
If Ted Kennedy were to admit guilt and ask for forgiveness, then the proper Christian thing to do would be to forgive him -- even as the state prosecuted him.
However, apparently you believe in a acheap Christianity that offers absolution when none has been asked for or solicited.
What you propose isn't Christianity at all. In act, it is neither religious nor moral.
It is a social or political expediency you seek.
I'm not such a disgruntled Democrat that I totally discount Kennedy's achievements or his contributions. In fact, as a delegate in 1976, I voted for him over Jimmy Carter.
However, please don't require of me as a Democrat, a Methodist, or a thinking person to surrender my intellect, morals, and logic to some cockeyed sense of fatigue over the issue.
You, sir, offend me when you state such nonsense. You give aid and comfort to our mutual political and social opponents when you display such a gnawing lack of moral fortitude.
It's time to grow up. Not just you, but everyone in our generation. Especially those of us who believe passionately in progressive thinking.
My husband believed in taking a stand, and if he were alive today (he passed two years from prostate cancer), he would igorously oppose the logic and wimpy attitude you display here.
My nephew brought your essay to light when his professor asked the class to read you. (Apparently, you have friends in the academic world wh hand on your every word.) Personally, I cannot understand how a college instructor can ask students to read such drivel.
i expect more from someone who espouses to be a Democrat and a thinking man.
So,, either you're morally and mentally lazy, or you lack a proper understanding of ethics and logic.
Which is it?
Whoa, dude,
You've been served.
I checked back in to see if you responded to my blog answer, but I never expected to see you get bitch-slapped so badly.
I feel for you, but at the same time, I'd like to see an answer, too.
Are you lazy or just tripping?
(Still my homey, though)
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