Sunday, January 11, 2009

"24" is a show worth watching live

For the most part, I stopped watching television a couple of years ago.

That doesn't mean I don't watch any shows. I do. But by either renting or purchasing DVDs of full seasons, I manage to control my viewing experience in at least three ways that make it more enjoyable.

First, no commercials.

Second, I can watch when I want to watch. Yes, I know about Tivo and other DVRs, but I choose not to go that route.

Third, I can watch entire seasons at whatever pace I want. If I feel like watching five episodes in one day, I can. And I don't have to sit through the weeks when the shows I'm watching are pre-empted or in reruns.

That's what I do with the few shows I choose to watch, and it's what I did for the first five seasons of "24." Two years ago, though, I decided I wanted to experience the show the way other people were; it is, after all, a water-cooler show. So I watched Season Six and saw Valencia get nuked, saw Jack's dad kill his brother and in the season climax, saw Jack battle his dad.

Then came the writers' strike and there was no "24" in 2008. Just another bad occurrence in a pretty bad year for me -- my dad died, I lost my job, we rented out our house and my 25-year fantasy baseball league gave up the ghost.

I did gain a granddaughter, which more than balanced out the rest. Except for "24." I missed "24" and Jack Bauer.

But as of tonight, Jack is back and the world is safe. Sure, he tortures. Sure, he kills. But he's our torturer and killer, and he never messes with anyone who doesn't deserve it.

So there were two hours tonight and two tomorrow night and then we'll settle in for 20 weeks of one hour at a time.

I'm stoked.


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