Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some folks have forgotten basic civility

I don't know whether to pity Meghan McCain or to admire her.

Maybe I'll do both.

The former Republican presidential candidate's daughter went on Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC the other night and talked about how negative some talk radio is and how that hurts the GOP in terms of its appeal to young voters.

Today talk radio struck back in the form of Laura Ingraham, who I had often found to be rather reasonable but lately has turned into Ann Coulter Lite. Ingraham went all out ridiculing McCain, calling her "just another Valley Girl gone awry" and referring to her as "plus-sized."

Of course that's PC-talk for "fat," and McCain is only fat in comparison to some of the Skeletor wannabes out there like Ingraham and Coulter.

First of all, McCain did something folks like Limbaugh and the rest of the talk-show crowd never do -- she put herself in position to be questioned by an intelligent liberal. Maddow is the new star of the broadcast left, and she is smart, quick and funny.

All she got from Ingraham was snark. Is there one right-wing talk show these days with a host that isn't mean as a snake? Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage -- they're all acting like a government in exile. They don't seem to get that the country rejected their brand of conservatism.

We ought to at least demand that they be civil.

Ingraham acted like a seventh-grader Thursday.

"She's f-a-a-a-a-a-t!"

Thanks for that contribution to the public discourse, Laura. Now eat a sandwich.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think some of your readers need that lesson in civility.

check out some of the message sin the blog on "Time for America to Grow Up"