Thursday, August 20, 2009

Juvenile humor strikes again

Q: "What do the U.S.S. Enterprise and toilet paper have in common?" A: "They both look for Klingons around Uranus."
-- children's joke

Third graders all across America got a good laugh Wednesday.

After hearing Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., put down a protester at a town hall meeting by asking a woman who compared President Obama to a Nazi "what planet do you spend your time on, talk show bloviator Rush Limbaugh struck back quickly.

"Isn't it an established fact that Barney Frank spends his time hanging around Uranus?" Rush asked on his radio show.

Barney is gay, get it? I'd call it frat-boy humor, but Limbaugh isn't the fraternity type.

Ten million third graders and one retired MBA in Dallas are laughing their heads off.

Stay classy, Rush.

And remember, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


1 comment:

1948nanA said...

mike, you resort to sleezey topics.

good grief.

nan from the sidelines...