Wednesday, August 19, 2009

'Nazi' health care? Yeah, right

Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.

It's often misunderstood; just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean there won't be consequences. I've heard people who have been fired for saying something argue that they were just exercising their freedom of speech. They misunderstood their right.

That's why I got such a kick out of Rep. Barney Frank's response to a woman's question at a Town Hall meeting in Dartmouth, Mass., when she asked why he supported a "Nazi program" like health-care reform.

Aside from the ridiculousness of the comparison, it has become increasingly weird to see the rise in paranoia at both ends of the political spectrum. Late last year, there were plenty of folks on the left who were at least somewhat concerned that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were going to declare some sort of martial law so that they didn't have to leave office.

Instead, we've learned from Cheney that he was disgusted that Bush "went soft" on him during his second term in office.

Now the right is wildly attacking "Obamacare," even though part of the problem is that there is no such thing. Part of the reason there's so much controversy right now is that President Obama didn't propose anything -- he told Congress to write its own bill as long as it followed certain general principles.

There is no "Obamacare," and even if there were, do we really think a liberal administration with numerous Jewish members would be writing a "Nazi" bill?

Nope, Barney Frank is right.

These people really do spend their time on some other planet.



1948nanA said...

media now showing dissent as crazy.
listen to your elected leaders.
follow them.
they know how to read and write.
and they love power.
we are all part of this convoluted planet.
some flounder for the right words to express themselves.
misleading on every corner.

Mike Rappaport said...

sounds almost poetic, Nan.

i've got no problems with people who struggle to express themselves, but the ones who invoke hitler and take their talking points from talk radio leave me cold.

Anonymous said...

Don't you take your talking points from talk radio and other blogs?


Anonymous said...

Frank is a jerk. He always has been one.

The woman who objected to Obama's health plan is entitled to her opinion -- even if she lacks a more polite way of expressing them.

She has the right to not only have her opinion, but to express it in any manner she wishes. I only wish that she -- and particularly her opponents on this issue, such as Barney Frank -- could find ways of taking the high road.

Be clever, not mean-spirited or sarcastic.

I guess I'm right smack in the middle on most issues -- and what I HATE most is that everyone feels no obligation to show decorum or respect.

Mike blames the right-wing, while others blame the left and many news organizations.

To be "frank: for a moment, I wish you would all simply SHUT UP!

If you can't express yourself in a dignified way that recognizes that opposing views are not beneath you, then you ought to have good sense -- as my late father used to say -- "to keep your yaps shut."

Gawd, I am so tired of bitter, childish, IGNORANT blather.



Anonymous said...

Mike, Hitler is a proper noun. Capitalize it.

You know, there are other people with that last name

Though, I have to admit if I had Hitler as a surname, I'd probably change it.

To Hilary or maybe Cheney.

Jeff, in Pomona

Anonymous said...

Mike, you wrote:

"Nope, Barney Frank is right."


Barney Frank is left.



1948nanA said...

'plenty of death panels already exist'

he he

scrambling for google hits...


Anonymous said...

I showed my history professor this blog and the responses and he said that Mitch is at best a confused child and at worst a buggering idiot.

I'm not sure yet what all this means.

What's interesting is that there seems to be no safe place to be on this issue. Everyone is in one camp or the other.


1948nanA said...

i have read about a few conspiracies, and been 'involved' with a few websites delving into such controversies.

whatever, it just keeps my mind open.

poor 'mitch'[if this is even a real person], is bein hung out to dry !
how can you judge a persona by what someone else writes ?
mike claims to be a 'friend'.
does mitch get to defend himself ?

it is bogus and not my business to even try to figure out what makes a person believe in conspiracies.

i have seen otherworldly stuff.
i have had more than my share of paranormal.
it has made some call me names.
i really do not care.
i have been monitored by the govt or whatever group likes to know more about ets.
yet....i am a peon when compared to others i have met who have much more detailed contact !

my point ??

mike seems to be struggling for a semblance of truth today.

good luck with that !

i find it interesting, that he thinks his opinions and conclusions must be shared by his readers ?????

that is why he gets people upset.
i think he likes that.

and now i am off to surf my more fun message boards.....
i do like getting a feel for how others think.
