Monday, August 24, 2009

Pride goeth before a realization

I was feeling pretty good about myself for a while today.

My wife and I had gone to meet with two financial advisors -- with the object of choosing one -- to discuss our impending retirement. I'm not sure when exactly it will happen, but the odds are pretty good we're down to counting the months on our fingers and toes.

We're not incredibly well off, but we have been working very hard to build up Nicole's 401(k) account and it's looking pretty good. We're living within our means and saving a significant account of money each month.

We managed to impress the advisors with our frugality, but what impressed them the most was the total amount of our liabilities.


We just completed the sale of our house, so we no longer have a mortgage. We own all three of our cars free and clear and we have no personal loans or credit-card debt.

Frankly, I'm amazed.

I think I may have been in the same position for a while in 1984, but I didn't have any assets other than a 1979 Subaru that had already blown one engine.

So naturally, I felt good.

Then I thought about how little I really had to do with it. All I really did was marry well; my wife's income in one year is nearly equal to what I made in my best three years. She's a world-renowned scientist. I'm an unemployed journalist.

I write the checks to pay the bills, but that's about it.

So I'm happy I have a wonderful wife and proud that she loves me enough to keep me around.

That's enough for now.



Anonymous said...

It must be nice.

I'm reading about your good news and I'm sitting here stuck with a mortgage that's too much for my now-under appreciated properties, my 401k is worthless, my stock portfolio is a mess, and my plans to retire next year have been indefinitely postponed.

I have two Masters Degrees and thirty-five years of work experience, but my company just went under and I'm on the job market, but only able to catch on doing "consultant" jobs on a freelance basis.

You know want to know what freelance means?

It means you can starve without benefits virtually anywhere in this country.

Thanks, Mike, that's just what I wanted to hear.

I've been kept up nights worrying about your finances.

Oh, by the way, my health insurance ran out two months ago, and for the first time since I graduated from Cal I don't have any.

I hope you have a nice day.


Mike Rappaport said...

I lost my job in January 2008 and am in a business -- newspapers -- where there are no new jobs.

Every time I focus on things like that, I'm accused of being too negative.

Sorry for your problems. It's a helluva time.

Anonymous said...

heck, i am again in between being employed, and in between a meaningful relationship....
i have herpes.
this disease teaches me to de-stress, and often count my blessings.
i was also born with a heart defect, so, getting enough oxygen to fight infections is a challange.
but, i am determined to survive !
i love the slow lane of life !!

about negative thinking...
it is easy to do.
i found a kewl article online about it ! it is written by chuck Gallozzi; "Negativitis cripples the human spirit"

for sure.

our economy woes are real.
why does it cost so much today to live ???????????
crazy !!

best wishes to both mike and jim.