"Will Obama follow the UK's lead and ban politically incorrect speech? Based on his administration's left-wing agenda and the recent attack on Rush Limbaugh, it's highly likely that the administration will follow suit."
-- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the Jesse Lee Peterson radio show
Hey, big controversy. The United Kingdom refused to allow talk radio host Michael Savage to enter the United Kingdom. Savage is outraged that he has been placed on a list that includes Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members and purveyors of hate.
Imagine that. Savage, who goes places even Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity fear to tread, is getting punished for some of the things he has said.
-- He has accused the president of "hating America" and "raping America."
-- He accused Muslims of devising the swine flu and using illegal immigrants to bring it into our country.
-- He said the government is out to take everyone's guns and predicted a "Reichstag fire" in America within a year.
-- He said Obama has a plan to force our children into a paramilitary domestic army.
-- He said any heterosexual woman over the age of 25 who grew up in this country is basically a dominatrix.
-- He called Glenn Beck a "hemorrhoid with eyes."
Hey, maybe he gets one right once in a while.
Now before you accuse me of overreacting, let me state that I think Savage wishes he had one-tenth the influence Limbaugh or Hannity have. I don't worry about him at all. But the point of this is that we do allow lunatics like this guy to speak in this country, and very few people are trying to get him off the air, regardless of what Rev. Jesse Lee says.
By the way, who in the heck is Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson?
And who are half of these other hosts quoted on World Net Daily in support of Savage? I get the feeling there are more right-wing talk radio hosts than there are right-wing voters.
As for the Rev, his quote at the beginning is full of fallacies, most importantly that the administration's "attack on Rush Limbaugh" means that Obama is trying to ban right-wing talk radio. I'm certain there are a few in the ultra-PC crowd who would like to see Rush digging ditches or cleaning latrines, but I think most people -- like me anyway -- would just like to see him give the truth a chance.
The idea that now that Democrats are in power, they're going to ban right-wing talk radio, well, that's a bunch of garbage. It's the right wing creating a straw man to raise money. It's not going to happen.
No matter what the Rev says.
As for Savage visiting England, well, that's their choice.
No matter what he says.
An update -- and an apology -- on delays
13 years ago
No matter what the excuse, any infringement of basic rights for free expression is an assault on not only irritating people broadcasting or writing, but also an assault on the American people in general and the basic rights ensured by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Twenty-five years ago the ACLU, ironically, began beating the drum of "hate speech."
Fortunately, they were slapped around by liberals, conservatives, and moderates.
I worry that with the country so poloarized, what if this type of movement succeeds today? It would destroy this country.
Maybe I'm too old and too in love with the ideal of this country to stomach that. You see, I fear for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
What type of country are we leaving them?
Remember Voltaire.
I do remember Voltaire, Ernie, and I tend to agree with you, but we have progressed (or regressed) from "I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it" to "You're wrong" to "You're stupid" to "You're evil."
I left buddies behind on the battlefields of the world to ensure that Americans had the freedom of expression.
We already curtail it so it's not absolute.
I know you're younger than I am, but before WWII and after, they used to remind people NOT to yell "Fire" in theaters.
I agree with THAT limitation, but as far as "extremist" on talk radio or TV, do what generations of others have done -- ignore them.
They're not worth your time.
I know you're young(er), but the whole newspaper and Tv business has grown crazy chasing ratings and sales.
That doesn't mean any of us has to listen or even pay attention to these "freaks."
Once a right or liberty is taken, it is never restored.
Our best interests are served by putting up a strong defense -- even of boorish and stupid people.
Privately, I prefer the W.C.Fields' solution -- pummel the offender with socks filled with manure.
My bottom line is we need to start REMINDING people there's an OFF button on the radio and TV. We need to become more responsible for expressing our disagreement by simply not participating.
And encouraging others not to give these stupid, self-aggrandizing people an audience. We need to help our friends and family to see why these "people" are not concerned FOR them or anyone except their own pocketbooks.
We need to be firm. We need to be strong.
And we need to grow up -- and be responsible.
hen I was a boy, a man was run over by a truck, and when my father found me standing along with a small crowd of people looking on at the crime scene, he first slapped me upside the head and sent me home.
later, he embraced me and explained calmly why what i was doing was wrong -- morally and even ethically.
Yes, there are those who would claim my father was a child-abuser.
I disagree. Most vehemently.
Sometime we all need a little slap to the head to get our attention.
We need to be reminded of manners and how NOT to behave.
Sometimes the best way we can LOVE someone is to be firm and hold them to a standard.
The Limbaughs and his leftwing counterparts are merely fringe elements in a sea of free expression.
Let's not alter our social contract because a few rotten apples are trying to despoil the barrel.
Strip them of their audience.
Use reason and persuasion.
I think many people have given up on reason and persuasion because of two factors: 1) it takes time, effort, and care (and most people are so selfish they can't even muster that minimal level of concern) and 2) most people don't want to appeal to logic, emotions, or ethics (the basics of argumentation), they simply want things their way.
No offense, Mike, but your generation and the succeeding ones are so self-centered and so callous to the presence of others, they don't even care to go the extra mile.
They want what they want when they want it -- all others be damned.
I'm no angel, but at least I try to make things right when I screw up.
I don't try to put a "spin" on things. If I screw up, i say so and apologize.
You know, I have not heard or read many real apologies lately.
the exception was that lady from a few eeks ago who wrote a real apology to you.
Kudos to her -- and you for allowing it to go on your website.
however, I believe if we as a nation allow our freedom of expression to be altered because of negative people, we have compromised the integrity of the nation and breached the contract we hold with everyone who has gone before us and paid a price to ensure our liberties.
That, I will not stand for. I will actively and vocally oppose anyone -- including the President -- if such a course is tried.
I was not nearly killed three times during live fire to come home and let people who have never stood up and defended our liberties take them away under such a specious excuse as some people have migrated to advocating hate.
I guess you never heard of Father Coughlin or the Bundt movement.
There was pure hate there -- reveling in hate. But we opposed it and largely ignore it and they -- like all demagogues -- went the way of all flesh.
Now that I've had some time to digest everything you've written, Ernie, I think I'm for you.
there are far less invasive methods for dealing with loud-mouthed, opinionated broadcasting and writing fools.
Ignore them is a good start.
Give your business to their competitors, for another.
Tell their sponsors you will be boycotting their products.
Starve them of an audience.
That's more civil and closer to the spirit that started this country and has sustained it through over two hundred years.
P.S. It may not matter now, Ernie, but thanks for serving the country and defending our liberties. My dad survived D-Day at Normandy and he was forever changed -- far more interested in liberty than before as a young man.
Ernie, you don't give me enough credit for being a student of history. I am extremely familiar with Father Coughlin and his Church of the Little Flower. His audience was much larger than anyone has nowadays.
I'm also well familiar with the German-American Bund and its efforts to keep America out of a war with Hitler.
Of course you're right, but ...
I fear for our country in an era when so few people read or are familiar with the lessons of history. There are too many people who just listen to the loudest, most confident voice.
Oh, and Ernie, I never remove ANY comments.
Mike, not meaning to be too critical, but I think Ernie made an extremely valid point .. and you seemed to dismiss it.
I think it's your assumption, Mike, that Russ Limbaugh and his ilk (as well as loud nuts on the left) have an influence over everyday people.
Oh, they influence people who believe as they do, but to silence the loud mouths means to silence all of us.
I think Ernie is more correct than you, dear. I don't mean to be provocative or to embarrass you in any way.
It's just Ernie makes the more reliable, the more rational point.
I see what you mean, dear Mike, but if we cater to our fears, then what type of society will we become?
I'm not much of a Tom Jones (the singer), fan, nor madonna nor Rosie O'Donnell, and it's fine that there are people who like these people -- and apparently are influenced by them.
That's freedom. That's liberty at work.
I have been happy simply ignoring folks I don't like and concentrating instead on... ALL THAT MATTERS.
Once we start saying things like "this is a dangerous time and I don't trust teh average person to be able to sift through what's right and what's wrong, then it's all over for liberty.
It either exists or it doesn't.
Mike, stop worrying about the SHOUTERS.
they come and go.
And as you pointed out father Coughlin had an audience far greater than anyone on TV or the radio today ... and he had his day in the sun, but he disappeared.
Most people today have no idea who he was or what he said.
There's no trace of him.
i suspect that in ten years people will wonder what happened to these loudmouths.
Ernie is right -- stand up for liberty while firmly holding your nose.
Sometimes it's expression just stinks.
But some of the loveliest flowers grow out of stuff that really smells horrible.
Believe in the future, Mike.
It can be good.
Mike, it's a good thing that you've managed to coax such a strong reaction from Ernie and Evelyn and others 9who haven't blogged) because this serves a noble purpose: to begin and continue anational discussion of what is happening to our country.
I would much rather have a heated blog string where people of conscience who can write well explain their views and air out differences.
That's good for the country.
The birds who come and "boo" and attack are selfish and small.
Evelyn is correct: you can't let them drive our discussions or force us into making stupid laws or conducting stupid policies.
George S, Sylmar
Sorry, Evelyn.
Sorry, Ernie.
I respect you both -- a lot.
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